6 Day Greek God Programming


This program will get you looking like a greek god for the summer. It will make you feel full during workouts, admiring your physique, and most importantly help you build lean muscle mass. This is a hypertrophy program designed to make you the most symmetrical and to make you pack on lean muscle. I would run this program for 8-10 weeks.

Split- (M)- Chest, Shoulders, (T)- Legs, (W)- Back, (TH) Bi and Tri, (F)- Legs, (S)- Chest, (Sun)- OFF

Do you want to look like a Greek God?

Greek God Time

This program will get you looking like a greek god for the summer. It will make you feel full during workouts, admiring your physique, and most importantly help you build lean muscle mass. This is a hypertrophy program designed to make you the most symmetrical and to make you pack on lean muscle. I would run this program for 8-10 weeks.

Split- (M)- Chest, Shoulders, (T)- Legs, (W)- Back, (TH) Bi and Tri, (F)- Legs, (S)- Chest, (Sun)- OFF

Do you want to look like a Greek God?

This program will get you looking like a greek god for the summer. It will make you feel full during workouts, admiring your physique, and most importantly help you build lean muscle mass. This is a hypertrophy program designed to make you the most symmetrical and to make you pack on lean muscle. I would run this program for 8-10 weeks.

Split- (M)- Chest, Shoulders, (T)- Legs, (W)- Back, (TH) Bi and Tri, (F)- Legs, (S)- Chest, (Sun)- OFF

Do you want to look like a Greek God?